Tuesday, February 2, 2010

The Drying Pot; And The Refining Fires Necessary to Become a Vessel Used by God

"Panic hit and I mean big! Satan proceeded to tell us we should not have
left the job Rick was in and we were going to fail. He continued to tell us we would never get the money Rick was making from the job he left and we would lose everything! One thing we have to recognize is when there is fear, there is the devil. God has not given us the spirit of fear (2 Timothy 1:7)! If fear is present – so is the enemy!
" ( quote from "The Drying Pot; And The Refining Fires Necessary to Become a Vessel Used By God.")

Though this site is for Christian book reviews I am excited about my new book being published and I wanted to share it with you! I cannot say that I can give you a review of the book, since I am the author however, I can give you some insight into the book and how it came about.

In 2001 my husband Rick had a vision as a Wednesday night church service of the cover of this book and my name as the author. I had always knew I was going to write a book however I knew this vision was God because that had never happened to my husband before and he was so moved by the experience.

So off I went to write the book. In the book I tell of trials and tribulations our family has gone through and the victory of where God had brought us through. It is a little strange I admit to be open and honest with the world, telling some of our deepest secrets. But I knew that the refining fires we had been through would be able to help others who were going through trials as well.

God led me through the story of the potter and the clay, and this book explains how clay in the natural is transformed and how we as clay in the spirit are transformed into vessels God can use for His glory.

I am open and honest about our life and I share what the Word of God says about facing trials and tribulation and how to come out the other side victoriously. I know this book is to encourage, inspire, and help Children of God endure what they are in now and come out the other side with a story to tell.

The only thing left to tell you is to write what the back of the book says. I pray you will be blessed, moved, and inspired to persevere.

"Today more than ever it is important for Christians to understand they are called by God! You as a Child of God have a plan and purpose for your life, however there is a transformation process God uses to take you from the marred piece clay to a vessel He can use for His glory.

In her new book; The Drying Pot; And The Refining Fires Necessary to Become a Vessel Used By God, Sandra shows you God truly does have a plan and purpose for your life! And she will teach you the steps necessary to go through your trial and how you can come out victoriously!

Sandra shares personal lessons and fascinating stories as well as Biblical insights on how to endure as you wait on God.

Learn how:

* To walk victoriously through the refining fires in your life right now
* How God's power works in your life
* To wait on God and gather the valuable lessons He wants you to learn.
* To stand on the Word of God and get results!